Moderator Guidelines (ISIDORe)


Moderators should assess proposals according to the following initial criteria: 



  • International Scientists from Academia and Industry are eligible to this call. Due to recent EC restrictions, scientists form a Russian Institution will not be eligible to this call.  
  • Researchers cannot apply for national access. Only researchers applying to services outside of their country of residence will be eligible for this call.
  • The research should fall within the broad field of structural cell biology and be well matched to the infrastructure provided through Instruct.  
  • For the first ISIDORe call, only SARS-CoV-2 related research projects will be eligible.  


Moderators should choose a total of three reviewers for each proposal; one internal reviewer and two external reviewers. Reviewers should be appointed and confirmed as promptly as possible and at most within 4 days. The aim is to provide a decision to the proposer within 2 weeks of submission. 

When the reviews have been returned, the Moderator should then action one of three outcomes: 

Approval; Revision; Rejection. 

The Moderator may comment on the proposal outcome including advice on next steps for the proposer. The proposer will receive all three reviewers' comments, their scores and the Moderator's comments. 

Appeals: If the proposer appeals the review decision, the Moderator, with the help of the Instruct Secretary, will manage the revision process which may require referral to the Access Committee. The Moderator will have discretion to revise the decision where the score is 3-5, but should refer the appeal to the Access Committee where the original score is 0-2. The Moderator may refer back to the reviewers at any time for help in this process. The Moderator (with the help of the Secretary) will keep the proposer informed of the process and outcome of the appeal. 

The Moderator may invite the proposer to resubmit a revised proposal, and may provide guidance on how to improve the proposal. The Instruct office is willing to reconsider revised proposals at any time.